

我們與台灣的代理商 - 義式企業(ICC)- 已合作超過20年。當初,他們的一名前員工創立了自己的咖啡品牌,現今真的成為台灣最大的連鎖品牌,在這裡,我們一起來踏上這段旅程。

In Taiwan, we've been working with our distributor – Italian Coffee Company – for over 20 years. In that time, one of their former employees launched his own coffee chain that has grown to become the biggest in the country. Here's how we took that journey together.


泰勒(Taylors)國際部經理Sarah Henderson說:“我們泰勒從早期2000年開始與ICC至今合作20多年,現今,他們是我們亞洲區最大的代理商。

Sarah Henderson, Taylors’ International Business Manager, said: “Taylors and ICC Taiwan started working together in the early 2000s and over 20 years later they are our biggest distributor in the Asia region.


"透過提供泰勒(Taylors of Harrogate)特色茶和約克夏茶的多樣化組合,他們成功地在競爭激烈市場中建立了我們的品牌,始終樂意嘗試新事物,開拓不同的渠道並以創新的方式滿足台灣消費者的需求。"
"Taking a mixed portfolio of Taylors of Harrogate specialty teas and Yorkshire Tea they have succeeded in establishing our brands in a competitive market, always willing to try new things, access different channels and work in innovative ways to meet the needs of the Taiwanese consumer.”


ICC總經理Vivian說:“22年前,一位名叫阿賢(黃銘賢)的年輕人前來義式企業面試,並獲得了任用,他在工作兩年後,決定實現自己的夢想,開立了自己的咖啡館,並將其命名為 "路易莎咖啡" 。"
Vivian Tenefrancia, ICC Taiwan General Manager, said: "A young man named Ah Xian came to Italian Coffee Company for an interview 22 years ago. He was interviewed and hired. After being employed for 2 years, Ah Xian decided to proceed with his dream of opening his own coffee shop and called it Louisa Coffee."


"His goal and dream were that one day Louisa Coffee will be as popular as Starbucks in Taiwan. Knowing his goal, we advised that his coffee shops need to be different from Starbucks and that the only way to be different is to emphasize serving high quality teas in addition to his coffee beverages. So he decided to use Yorkshire and Taylors teas."



“Today, Louisa Coffee has more than 540 stores in Taiwan and is expanding in Southeast Asia. The popularity and the number of Louisa Coffee shops already exceeds the number of Starbucks shops in Taiwan."


"對我們來說,義式企業能維持長期合作順利供貨給路易莎,與對我們產品保持信心和信任,具有十分重要意義,今日路易莎不只是一個重點核心客戶,更是我們在台灣推廣約克夏和泰勒茶的事業夥伴。我們很自豪地分享路易莎咖啡與ICC的故事 –“阿賢”,一位年輕人,追求他的夢想,並憑著他的奮鬥和對卓越產品的判斷力,實現了此人生目標。”
"It is important for Italian Coffee Company to be able to keep Mr. Huang's confidence and trust in the products we carry and to let him know that we can deliver. Louisa Coffee is a lighthouse account that work with us as partners to build the Yorkshire and Taylors brand throughout Taiwan. We are very proud to share the story of Louisa Coffee – Ah Xian, a young man, who pursued his dream, and made it with his diligence and good sense for excellent products."


Sarah補充到: "在泰勒,我們非常關心與重視我們的合作伙伴,無論他們是剛起步,還是已在他們的市場站穩了腳步。”
Sarah added: "At Taylors, we put a lot of care and attention into our distributors. That's true whether they've just started on their journey or are well established in their market.
"It's about building supportive and sustainable business relationships that stand the test of time. We're in it for the long term."


原文章來自於Taylor官網: https://www.taylorsofharrogate.com/news/icc-taiwan-case-study


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